Our family travels for 11 months across the Northern Hemisphere

All the deets: a minimum of pretension

Travel Essentials: things I wish we’d brought but didn’t.

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Many of these items we’ve acquired along the way when we realized we needed them. Once acquired, they were used regularly.

Don’t be like me. Bring these items from the beginning:

  1. a collapsable strainer (great for pasta and washing fruit)
  2. a good quality travel mug. I really like making tea and there are a lot of places that don’t have mugs big enough for me. I’ve been drinking my tea out of bowls lately, and while it’s fine, I do wish I’d brought my own mug. (note: In Kuala Lumpur I bought a go-cup and use it every.single.day). Don’t buy something you feel sentimental about – just saying things can go missing.
  3. My own pillow. It’s probably a pipe dream that the next time I travel i will bring my own pillow. Pillows around the world are awful. I don’t miss much about Vancouver, but one thing I do miss is my own, perfectly flat pillow. If you are someone who has trouble sleeping or who is particular about your sleeping, seriously try to find a way to bring your own pillow.
  4. Pot holders – a must
  5. A Sharpie pen – you’d be surprised how many things you need to mark with permanent pen
  6. Green painter’s tape – excellent for all kinds of things
  7. Crazy Glue – this stuff will bind your broken sandals and who knows what else. The sandals I wear every day have been held together by Crazy Glue for going on 5 months now.
  8. Clothes pegs – serve a multitude of purposes including hanging clothes, closing bags, holding together the stuff you’ve crazy-glued
  9. Pill cutter – this is for those of you taking medication along with you. Often we have found that the dosage for medication we’re buying to replace used-up meds (especially for Erez) has been too high, but no other dosage is available. The pill cutter has allowed us to easily split meds to get the right dose.
  10. Travel Spatula – trust me.

I think that’s about all I can think of for this list right now. Readers, if you have other “must haves” that you figured out AFTER leaving home, please put them in the comments.


One response to “Travel Essentials: things I wish we’d brought but didn’t.”

  1. Stewart Levitt Avatar
    Stewart Levitt

    Very interesting and informative.

    Love to all,

    Auntie Lynn and Uncle Stew

    Sent from my iPhone



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