Our family travels for 11 months across the Northern Hemisphere

All the deets: a minimum of pretension

  • Let’s talk Australia.

    I won’t go into detail about the flight to Sydney from Bali. It was 5 hours long. Horrible, and uncomfortable and I hated it. However, in just 5 magical hours we went from Asia to Australia. First off, here’s a photo from our flight: I can hardly describe to you what a jolt it was… Read more

  • Departure Day.

    Our flight to Australia on June 11, 2024 was a red eye leaving at 11:30pm out of Denpassar, Bali. This gave us an entire day in Ubud before leaving at 6pm for the airport which is about a 2 hour drive away. This was fortuitous as I had booked myself to work several hours that… Read more

  • T minus 1.

    We left Bali on June 11th on the red-eye to Sydney, Australia that lifted off at 11:30pm. The flight left from Denpassar, which is about a 1.5 to 2 hour drive from Ubud, where we were staying. This meant we left town at 6pm to catch our late night flight, giving us a full day… Read more

  • Golden Times.

    Most of you know I became a mom relatively later in life. Erez was born when I was 38 and Mia when I was 40. Coupled with a lifelong obsession with preserving memories, this later-age motherhood has lead to my being plagued with what I sometimes call “persistent nostalgia.” Amongst other things persistent nostalgia makes… Read more

  • Last Days in the Tropics.

    I often marvel at the fact that we have had 6 months of summer. Since we arrived in Sri Lanka in mid-December the lowest daytime temperature we have experienced is about 27 degrees, but those days have been rare. More typically daytime temps have ranged between a hot 29 degrees and extremely uncomfortable 39 degrees.… Read more

  • Goodbye Wood School

    Today was Erez and Mia’s last day of school. It was a pretty brief school year, just 5 weeks. Is your inner child jealous of their truncated academic year? I know mine is. It was a regular Friday with early dismissal at 2pm. I chatted with both kids’ teachers and thanked them for welcoming Erez… Read more

Who we are

We’re Valerie, Noam, Erez and Mia. About 7 years ago, we parents started talking about how great it would be to take our kids out of school for a year to travel. We had no idea what that would entail. After several years of dreaming, we actually did it! We shoehorned all the items in the photo on the left into 6 backpacks and in August 2023 left our home town for 11 months. To do it we pulled our kids out of school, rented our house, minimized our businesses and are now on the road. This blog is an attempt to capture as much of our adventures as possible.