Our family travels for 11 months across the Northern Hemisphere

All the deets: a minimum of pretension


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On different occasions my kids have asked me what my favourite word is. It’s a great question, right? My answer is always the same. My favourite word is “love.”

Why this word, you ask? Out of the 170,000 words (plus another 70,000 obsolete words, according to the Oxford English Dictionary) in the English language, why is love my favourite word? Well, the reason I always give is that love is a word that encompasses a lot of what I think it important in life and a lot of what is missing for a lot of us. And I also say that because it’s another excuse for me to tell them how much I love them.

My second favourite word? Kindness. But we will leave that for another post.

The person I don’t often get to tell or show my love to, is my loving husband, Noam. This man has tirelessly planned, schemed, strategized, and carried a lot of the load on this trip.

I am often very tired, and don’t have a lot of energy for the work of logistics. I often have opinions but lack to wherewithal to execute them. Noam is, and has always been a do-er, and I am so grateful for his willingness to make things happen.

Our 14th wedding anniversary is 9 days away. We have been together longer than that, even. A total of 17 years. It’s shocking, really. So – in anticipation of May 31, I show you a small display of L.O.V.E.

3 responses to “Love.”

  1. Avril Avatar


    Liked by 1 person

  2. Stewart Levitt Avatar
    Stewart Levitt

    Beautiful message-so personal and emotional too. Great photos too!

    Love, and hugs and kisses to all,


    Sent from my iPhone


    Liked by 1 person

  3. dolgin2013 Avatar

    More love!

    Liked by 1 person

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